We Are Strafe Cybersecurity

Soaring Beyond The Standard

Welcome to Strafe, where cybersecurity steps up to combat emerging threats. Founded by a team of seasoned penetration testers and former military cyberwarfare experts, we are a cutting-edge penetration testing company. We are committed to providing our partners with full-scope security support, going through the penetration testing process, remediation guidance, and long term consulting.

Penetration Testing

Find threats that may lurk within your organization's digital boundaries. At Strafe, we employ a meticulous and comprehensive approach to secure your network, ensuring that potential vulnerabilities are identified, assessed, and effectively mitigated.

Red Teaming

Strafe Cybersecurity's Red Teaming, employs advanced TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures), and strategically assesses an organization's security resilience. Simulating real-world cyber adversaries, this service identifies vulnerabilities, evaluates incident response capabilities.

Custom Malware Emulation

At Strafe, we recognize that in the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, human factors play a pivotal role. Our specialized approach ensures that your organization is fortified against social engineering tactics through innovative and targeted phishing and vishing testing methodologies.

Strafe Cyber Security

Securing Your Tomorrow, Today

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Of organizations report an increase in cyber threats since 2022

In an era where the world is seamlessly interconnected, and the digital landscape is marred by an unprecedented surge in cybercrime, hacktivists, and advanced persistent threats (APTs), Strafe Cybersecurity emerges as a beacon of cybersecurity resilience. Our mission is to empower our partners to fortify and safeguard against the relentless tide of evolving threats, ensuring the digital foundations of businesses remain secure, resilient, and prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

Here are reasons why to choose us:

Strafe Cybersecurity is confident that we are the best choice for your offensive security needs.

Strafe Cybersecurity Services

Where Safety Meets Innovation

Internal Network Assessment

Strafe Cybersecurity's Internal Penetration Testing services—a strategic defense against threats that may lurk within your organization's digital boundaries. At Strafe, we employ a meticulous and comprehensive approach to secure your internal network, ensuring that potential vulnerabilities are identified, assessed, and effectively mitigated.

External Network Testing

Strafe Cybersecurity offers world-class external threat emulation. We bring a comprehensive and sophisticated approach to securing your organization's perimeter, ensuring that potential vulnerabilities are identified, understood, and effectively mitigated.

Web Application Assessment

Our seasoned professionals employ cutting-edge methodologies, combining comprehensive vulnerability assessments with simulated attacks to identify and rectify potential security flaws. With a focus on precision and thoroughness, we provide actionable insights, helping you enhance your web application's resilience against cyber threats.

Social Engineering

At Strafe, we recognize that in the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, human factors play a pivotal role. Our specialized approach ensures that your organization is fortified against social engineering tactics through innovative and targeted phishing and vishing testing methodologies.

Custom malware Emulation

Our skilled professionals craft sophisticated, non-destructive malware emulations that closely mimic the behavior of real threats. These simulations are specifically designed not to cause any actual harm but rather to improve your ability to detect and respond to malware behavior.

Security Training

Tailored to address the latest threats and compliance requirements, our training modules cover a spectrum of topics, from phishing awareness to secure data handling practices. Elevate your organization's defense against cyber threats by enlisting Strafe Cybersecurity for expert-guided, engaging, and proactive Security Awareness Training.

Red Teaming

Strafe Cybersecurity's Red Teaming, employs advanced TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures), and strategically assesses an organization's security resilience. Simulating real-world cyber adversaries, this service identifies vulnerabilities, evaluates incident response capabilities, and gauges the effectiveness of security controls, offering invaluable insights that go way beyond traditional pentesting.

Wireless Security Assessment

In an era where wireless networks are integral to daily operations, our specialized approach ensures that your wireless environment is not only secure but resistant to the sophisticated tactics employed by cyber adversaries. We validate the security of WiFi, Bluetooth, RFID and other wireless technologies.

“Offensive operations, often times, is the surest, if not the only means of defense” — George Washington

Strafe Cyber Solutions

Empowering Security, Protecting Your Digital World

Strafe Cybersecurity delivers a comprehensive range of services tailored to bolster organizational cybersecurity. We offer Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Malware Emulation, Security Awareness Training and more.

Strafe Cybersecurity, penetration testing services

Penetration Testing Services

Strafe Cybersecurity provides targeted Penetration Testing services, utilizing advanced methods to simulate real cyber threats. Our assessments identify vulnerabilities in systems, networks, and applications, offering actionable insights for clients to strengthen their defenses effectively.

Red Teaming

Strafe Cybersecurity’s Red Teaming, employs advanced TTPs (Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures), and strategically assesses an organization’s security resilience. Simulating real-world cyber adversaries, this service identifies vulnerabilities, evaluates incident response capabilities, and gauges the effectiveness of security controls, offering invaluable insights that go way beyond traditional pentesting.

Custom malware Emulation

Our skilled professionals craft sophisticated, non-destructive malware emulations that closely mimic the behavior of real threats. These simulations are specifically designed not to cause any actual harm but rather to improve your ability to detect and respond to malware behavior.

Security Awareness Training

Tailored to address the latest threats and compliance requirements, our training modules cover a spectrum of topics, from phishing awareness to secure data handling practices. Elevate your organization’s defense against cyber threats by enlisting Strafe Cybersecurity for expert-guided, engaging, and proactive Security Awareness Training.


Unlocking Cybersecurity Knowledge

Below is a list of Frequently-Asked-Questions. Click on a question to reveal the answer.

What Experience Do Your Penetration Testers Possess?

Our team of assessors has conducted engagements for hundreds of clients, including Fortune 500 companies. The team possesses experience in diverse environments, ranging from Industrial Control Systems and Cloud Networks to Hospitals and more. This hands-on experience is complemented by industry certifications such as OSCP, Red Team Operator, Joint Cyber Analyst Course, CISA - ICS Cybersecurity, and Certified Ethical Hacker.

How Do You Ensure Confidentiality and Data Protection During Testing?

We prioritize the security of your data by employing comprehensive encryption measures for all testing devices, both at rest and in transit.

What Tools and Technologies Do You Employ in Your Penetration Testing?

Our approach encompasses a diverse array of cutting-edge tools, including but not limited to Cobalt Strike, Burp Suite, Bloodhound, Responder, Impacket, Metasploit, Netexec, and Teamfiltration.

How Do You Prioritize and Report Vulnerabilities?

Internally, we utilize the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) and tailor our assessments by considering organization-specific implications, thereby refining risk scoring accordingly.

What Is Your Approach to Remediation Guidance?

Our detailed reports include comprehensive remediation guidance supported by documentation. Furthermore, all web applications and external testing engagements include one retest free of charge. Our firm is readily available for inquiries and guidance, ensuring assistance is just a call away.

Can You Accommodate Regulatory Compliance Requirements in Testing?

Certainly, we can align our testing procedures with regulatory standards, particularly those associated with PCI, provided relevant sections are supplied.

How Long Does a Typical Penetration Test Engagement Take?

The duration of an engagement is contingent upon the number of scoped IP ranges for internal and external assessments. For web applications, the timeline varies based on the volume of dynamic pages and API endpoints.

What Ongoing Support or Recommendations Do You Provide Post-Testing?

We extend ongoing support through multiple channels, including phone, email, and video, facilitating a thorough review of findings and addressing general security inquiries.

Contact Us

We are perfect solution for your business

Connect with Strafe Cybersecurity for tailored cybersecurity solutions. Whether it’s Penetration Testing, Red Teaming, Threat Emulation, or Security Awareness Training, our experts are ready to assist. For inquiries or consultations, fill out the contact form. We’re dedicated to fortifying your digital defenses in today’s dynamic landscape.

Here are reasons why to choose us:

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